Friday 15 April 2011

New food pyramid for kids servings

MyPyramid was designed to educate consumers about a lifestyle consistent with the January 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, an 80-page document. The guidelines, produced jointly by the USDA and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), represented the official position of the U.S. government and served as the foundation of Federal nutrition policy.

MyPyramid contains eight divisions. From left to right on the pyramid are a person and six food groups:

The food guide pyramid gave recommendations measured in serving sizes, which some people found confusing. MyPyramid gives its recommendations in common household measures, such as cups, ounces, and other measures that may be easier to understand.

In September 2005, a "child-friendly version" of the food pyramid graphic and food guidance system launched. Three of five meetings had been held as of May 2009 towards the publication of 2010 dietary guidelines.

Food Pyramid Servings

Food Guide Pyramid for Young

tell me what the five food

Free food pyramid

The new Food Guide Pyramid - a

Food pyramid Food pyramid

Do you ever eat 6-11 servings

Young Children

My Food Pyramid

food pyramid

Food Pyramid Kids

The revised USDA Food Pyramid

The Food Guide Pyramid for

2 Servings

Here 2 to 3 servings of

kids nutrition, food pyramid

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